Friday November 20, 2015

Greetings Retailers,

We have been working hard to improve the WizKids Event System and wanted to give you the inside scoop on our latest updates. The WizKids Event System is no longer just a tool to schedule and report your in-store events (although please continue to do so). There are many more features available to make the WES your primary resource for all WizKids needs.

Did you know you can find solicitations for all of our products in one place? Back in March, we launched solicitation pages in the WES that contained product information, release dates and barcodes. With filters, you can now screen your results to the brands and game systems your store carries to make the ordering process even easier. Our latest update launched our Monthly Releases page, accessible from the Solicits tab. On this page, you will see a summary of all of the product releasing each month. But that's not all, it has barcodes too so that you can view and print the list of each month's releases to scan directly into your POS system. The Solicits tab is a great asset to see what's coming next so you can get your pre-orders to distributors as soon as possible.

Additionally, last month, we kicked off a Store Rewards program through the WizKids Event System where randomly selected stores received a special package from the WizKids Team. We announced on WizKidsGames.com and through our weekly emails the eligibility criteria, a few weeks prior to selection. The previous requirements to be considered included simply logging into the WES at least once in the last month and having accurate profile information (address, country, store hours). We plan to continue this initiative by changing eligibility requirements each quarter to encourage active participation in the WizKids Event System. Keep a look out in December for the 2016 Q1 eligibility criteria.

So what's coming next? We will be continuing to add new features to make the WizKids Event System even better! That's where you come in. We are always looking for ways to improve the WES and we want to hear from you. What would you like to see the next time you log into the WizKids Event System? Let us know by emailing us at: wizkidsmarketing@gmail.com

- The WizKids Team

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Email: sales@grosnor.com

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