Ankama Products and Cmon Inc. Partner for US Distribution

Wednesday December 23, 2015

Ankama Products and Cmon Inc. Partner for US Distribution

Ankama Products is pleased to appoint CMON Inc. as the USA distributor of new and ongoing Ankama Products� games in 2016. English-language Krosmaster: Quest products and future Krosmaster releases will be distributed by Ankama Products� new distribution partner CMON Inc.

Ankama Products and CMON Inc. confirmed this new partnership will be in place for the release of Krosmaster: Quest. All existing pre-orders of Krosmaster: Quest will be fulfilled by CMON Inc., including all promotional items promised with the pre-order of Krosmaster: Quest.

A spokesperson for Ankama Products said, �CMON Inc. has shown time and again that they have a passion for releasing and supporting board games with engaging rules and beautiful miniatures. We feel that their experience in publishing and marketing these types of games directly aligns with the quality of products we produce for the Krosmaster line.�

David Doust, CEO of CMON Inc., said, �We�re extremely excited to become a part of bringing Ankama Products� games to the USA. We have a lot of great things planned for our partnership with Ankama Products in 2016. It is our primary aim to continue to provide, and hopefully improve, the type of experience fans of the Krosmaster series have grown to enjoy.�

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