Tomb of the Forgotten'--'World of Warcraft' Expansion

Final Set of the 'Aftermath' Block Due on June 12th

Friday June 01, 2012

Cryptozoic Entertainment has announced the June 12th release of Tomb of the Forgotten expansion, the third and final set in the Aftermath block of the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game. The 208-card set provides Monster fans more tools than ever as players get access to monstrous new Priest, Rogue, and Paladin heroes as well as the opportunity to explore the possibilities of new dual-class Monster heroes and possibly unleash the power of the Tol’vir Monsters, and destroy their foes with the new Sentinel mechanic that allows players to double up on attack or defense.

The Tomb of the Forgotten expansion includes 70 common, 60 uncommon, 8 hero, 60 rare, and 10 Epic cards. Tomb of the Forgotten booster packs, each of which contains 15 cards.

Three new “loot” cards will be included in the Tomb of the Forgotten expansion. These cards contain codes that unlock cool extras for the World of Warcraft online game. The loot cards in this new expansion include "Sand Scarab" pets, the "Spurious Sarcophagus" trinket, and for a few lucky fans who will be able to travel the deserts of Uldum in style—a rare "White Camel" mount.

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